Welcome, to my website! This site will be an on going list of mods that I have done to my car or my computer. Also, any thing else I can think of or have time to write.

This is my first attempt at water cooling. I decided to take on this project to stop the noise that this pc made. I used Danger Den Water Cooling products and Goodyear fuel line. This was all installed in a Cooler Master Wave Case. If you want to see how it performed with water cooling check out the whole article. Prescott(P4) Water Cooling
Since the first water cooling project went well and has been running for over a year this second one is more for fun. The case as seen in the picture to the left is clear plastic. This was a hard install its a small case with a large water pump and a unique power supply configuration. Installing any other heat sink then stock was to be a challenge. Finished it includes 20 blue LEDs. It looks really cool in the dark.Pentium D Water Cooling in Clear Case
Since I can't afford an expensive car with lots of insulating already installed I need to do it myself. Products like Dynamat are nice but who can afford a lot of that. NOT ME! So an alternative was found and learning to install it can be tricky. The sounds during rain and just regular road was lessened by a large amount.Check out Insulating your car!

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Updated 4/13/07